domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011


For the lovers of Playstation this is a notice than all of you shoud know:

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today announced that the cumulative sales of the PlayStation®3 (PS3®) computer entertainment system reached a milestone of 50 million units*1worldwide, as of March 29, 2011. SCE also announced that PlayStation®Move sales surpassed 8 million units*1 worldwide as of April 3, demonstrating continued growth and momentum of the PS3 platform.

About Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Recognized as the global leader and company responsible for the progression of consumer-based computer entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) manufactures, distributes and markets the PlayStation® game console, the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, the PSP® 

More information on:

Is It Possible To Walk On The Water?

Well, MythBusters did a show where they shows that is "possible" only that is a kind of water with diferent viscosity.

In this show we can see a fun experiment and maybe the end of a mith.

Enjoy it!

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

A Nine Years Old Child Becomes An Engineer...!!!

 This is a great new, this kid Marco Calasan is the most young engineer in the world.

Awesome, with 9 year old this child speak english, italian and a little of spanish, also his diploma was signed by Bill Gates and he invited Marco to work with he in his enterprise "Microsoft".
So, ¿Have you done something important today?

Let's See An Advance Of A Great Movie...

Ok, in this time I want to talk you about the third part of a movie that is awesome!! this movie is ofcourse TRANSFORMERS.
This part try to give us more entertaiment that the others parts also is the continue of a history between the AUTOBOTS and the DECEPTICONS.

So, I going to show you the trailer of this third part and I hope you like it !!


jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Siemens R&D VS EPM R&D - Second Part

 Hi guys for this time my partner and I decided continue with the second part of the article "Siemens R&D VS EPM R&D", so this is the last part.



UNE is a Colombian enterprise committed  with the innovation in the services and products that can improve the people's life quality, also, providing more knowledge in the telecommunications field in the country.

For this reason, UNE is part of an aliance with some Colombian universities and national institutions, named ARTICA, in where, with the help of University of Antioquia, University EAFIT, National University of Colombia ( Medellin ) , Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colciencias and the Ministery of Communications and Informations Technologies make many investigations to achieve the innovation and progress ideal.

For more information about the aliance, here is a link to see an slideshare with the information:

But also, out of the electronic and telecommunications areas, UNE EPM Telecommunications  develops projects about the environmental care and business-social responsability.

 Ok, guys this is all, I hope you read it.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Siemens R&D VS EPM R&D - First Part

In this article, my partner and I want to show you to all of you the advances and advantages of these two enterprises of telecommunications that offers to us great benefits.

First, what is Siemens?

Siemens AG is a German engineering conglomerate that is the largest in Europe. Siemens has international headquarters located in Berlin, Munich and Erlangen, Germany. The company has three main business sectors: Industry, Energy, and Healthcare; with a total of 15 divisions.
Worldwide Siemens and its subsidiaries employ approximately 420,800 people in nearly 190 countries and reported global revenue of 76.651 billion euros for the year of 2009. Siemens AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since March 12, 2001.
Building on a heritage of more than 100 years of voice communications excellence, Siemens Enterprise Communications is one of the global leaders in unified communications solutions. We have presence in more than 100 countries, providing comprehensive communication and collaboration solutions for organizations of all sizes.

Ok, we just saw the principal information about Siemens; now let’s go to see the principal information of EPM
So, what is EPM?

UNE (EPM Telecommunications) is a Colombian telecommunications company founded in 2006, with 100% subsidiary of EPM groups which in turn is owned by the Municipality of Medellín, UNE brings together several companies in the telecommunications industry and serves Telecommunications nationwide.
With the emergence of large companies in the telecommunications sector (Telefónica, Telmex, America Movil), EPM decided in 2006 to separate telecommunications from the parent, to form a new company focused exclusively on telecommunications, allowing you to face stiff competition for which it was created EPM Telecommunications "and its trademark " UNE "which was conceived as the integration of the strategic area of EPM Telecommunications, the company Orbitel SA ESP and telecommunications business Emtelco SA who was spun off and operated as the company BPO Contact Center and Enterprise Group EPM.

Now let’s go to see the R&D of Siemens

Around 30.100 researchers and developers at various locations in 30 countries throughout the world work on innovations that help us secure and expand our market leadership position.
We are working on new solutions for energy, industry and healthcare – and by the over 1,000 new research partnerships which Siemens enters into every year. 


·  In fiscal 2010, Siemens invested approximately €4 billion in research and development,    of which around €1000 million was devoted to developing green technologies.         
·  Our products and solutions helped our customers reduce their CO2 emissions by 210 million tons in 2009 – which is a multiple of the amount of CO2 that Siemens itself produced with its own business activities.       
·  In 2010, Siemens employees disclosed 8,800 inventions – or 40 inventions    per workday.       
·  Research and development is in progress at around 150 Siemens locations worldwide and the company maintains strategic partnerships with leading research institutions such as the Munich Technical University, the Aachen Technical University, MIT in Boston and UC Berkeley, U.S., as well as Tongji University and Tsinghua University in China.


Approximately 30,100 Siemens employees at locations in over 30 countries are employed in research and development.


Approximately 30,100 Siemens employees at locations in over 30 countries are employed in research and development.

Now we going to talk you about the R&D of Siemens but in its industry sector

Highlights from the Industry Sector

The Siemens Industry Sector is the worldwide leading supplier of production, transportation, lighting and building technologies. With integrated hardware and software technologies as well as comprehensive Industry-specific solutions, Siemens increases the productivity, flexibility and efficiency of its customers in the fields of industry and infrastructure.

Highlights from the Energy Sector

The Energy Sector primarily addresses energy providers, but also industrial companies particularly in the oil and gas industry. Its spectrum of offerings ranges from solutions for the oil and gas industry to products and solutions for the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy.

Highlights from the Healthcare Sector

Siemens Healthcare is one of the world's leading suppliers of the healthcare industry. Its innovations range from medical imaging systems and information processing solutions to state-of-the-art laboratory diagnostics.

This is the first part of this article, the second one is close.
wait for it!