jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Siemens R&D VS EPM R&D - Second Part

 Hi guys for this time my partner and I decided continue with the second part of the article "Siemens R&D VS EPM R&D", so this is the last part.



UNE is a Colombian enterprise committed  with the innovation in the services and products that can improve the people's life quality, also, providing more knowledge in the telecommunications field in the country.

For this reason, UNE is part of an aliance with some Colombian universities and national institutions, named ARTICA, in where, with the help of University of Antioquia, University EAFIT, National University of Colombia ( Medellin ) , Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colciencias and the Ministery of Communications and Informations Technologies make many investigations to achieve the innovation and progress ideal.

For more information about the aliance, here is a link to see an slideshare with the information:

But also, out of the electronic and telecommunications areas, UNE EPM Telecommunications  develops projects about the environmental care and business-social responsability.

 Ok, guys this is all, I hope you read it.

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